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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SAMRAT +umbrellas & crowns 18
SJ SENSONA +crowns & stars 19
T-SERIES 7 PRINCES +crowns 3
THREE KINGS +crowns 32
TOOTH FAIRY +cartoon crowns 41
TRIPLE CROWN +crowns & plan 33
crowns 32
UNIZIP +crowns 16, 26
ZEE crowns 14
a ARASAN BAKERY +crowns 30
a ARASAN ICE CREAM +crowns 30
a ARASAN SWEETS +crowns 30
bird crowns & circle 9
cross belt & crowns 4
pizza KING +crowns 30
s.n.r. JAINTEX +crowns 25
crowns 16
MEDI-crpe 10
AMBHE crs 6
COMET crs 9
RAJURI 500 crs 6
MICRO'S cruciale 5
VIRA crude oil 4
BC BOOZE cruise +ship 32
DIAMOND cruiser 1200 1
GEMINI cruiser 33
GEMINI vodka cruiser 33
KRISTOV vodka cruiser 33
RC royal cruiser +circle 39
SILVO cruiser +drop 21
LOUIS cruises 39, 41, 43
LOUIS indian cruises 39, 41, 43
GOLD MOHUR grower crum +bir 31
GOLD MOHUR layer crum +bird 31
AMUL crunch +hills 30
BAKEMAN'S cream crunch +che 30
CHOXSY choco dipped crunch 29
COMPLAN crunch timers 30
HARVEST crunch 30
LEO mango crunch 30
NUTRINE lemon crunch 30
PARRY'S crunch munch +circl 30
SAFFOLA muesli nutty crunch 31
SOBISCO coconut crunch 30
PARLE crunchee munchee 30
BRITANNIA coconut crunchees 30
CADBURY'S crunchie 30
np crunchies 30
crunchy crackers SNIPPETS 30
ALOK G-SIR crispy & crunchy 30
CREMICA crunchy cream 30
DIET crunchy bite +hand 30
FUN 2 crispy crunchy snacks 30
HOUNDS tasty & crunchy 31
KELLOGG'S muesli crunchy 30
KITCO KA-RA-RA crunchy snac 29, 30
REESE'S crispy crunchy 30
RYETO crunchy shing bhujiya 30
RYETO MAGIC crunchy rings 30
crush more +ovals 6
CN crush +hearts 30
MAHALAXMI MAJOR stone crush 7
BLUE sands crushed quality 19
ESSEM crusher 7
crusher 7
SPENCER'S golden crust +ova 30
SPENCER'S golden-crust 30
WIBS golden crust +plants 30
golden crust +oval 30
golden crust SPENCER'S 30
upper crust 30
upper crust +circle 30
SCO the santa cruz operatio 9
BAJAJ crx 12
camel crylin PUFFY MEDIUM 2
crystal CORPORATION +octago 37
crystal DEW 75 11
crystal GLAMOUR 9, 21
crystal MEMORIES 21
crystal MOMENTS 21
crystal PAD +diamond 21
crystal ROMANOV vodka 33
crystal RUBY 25
crystal clear 11
crystal clear +drop 32
crystal no. 1 +globe & bird 33
crystal paark inn +flower 43
crystal tree 9, 11
7 DAY'S crystal sugar +tree 30
AMRUTHA crystal salt 30
APARNA iodised crystal salt 30
ARASI crystal salt 30
BELLS crystal fabrics 25
CAPRI crystal 21
CROWN crystal +crown 7
CRYSTAL +crystal 23
GK crystal +arrows 9
GORVA crystal 21
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